I'm on my way. It's 6 am
tomorrow now here in Taipei, 3:00 in the
afternoon the day before California
time. In the last few hours have watched three films, the last one a
French film something like "Qu'est-ce-que On a Fait au Bon Dieu?"
which n鼠乙提釔
6:10 am, 11/19/14, Taipei Airport
Subject: hit some
translate-into-chinese button and couldn't
Sorry for the abrupt
ending of the email just sent -- hit some translate-into-chinese button and
couldn't undo it; so have had to go to a different computer. Anyway, the
French movie was good airplane fare. Frustratingingly, though, toward the end Eva Airlines kept
freezing the film to make announcements, and then to display a slide show of
generic cosmopolitan pictures as we were landing, so I have to hope that the
next leg of the flight will have the same movie selection and I can fast
forward to the correct place (a tricky proposition on these airline movie
screens) to finish it.
No lost fleeces this
trip, though did spend quite a few panicky minutes searching for my glasses
--fortunately finally found them under the seat—apparently I missed my bag
when I was dropping my glasses case into it (or trying to) last night. [note: I was going to edit this piece of
trivia, but when I look at it metaphorically, I am struck by its image of
the looking to for a way to view, or a framework for seeing, that's turns out
to not be in the bag where I am looking, but outside of that
box as it were, not neatly bagged, and rather to be found by searching in a deeper understanding—or, here, underseating, a patient and open sitting with. In that context, the last film echoes a
similar theme: opening beyond prior limiting frameworks to a welcoming and
embracing of the at-first-unacceptable, and its unexpected richness.
The sun is rising outside
the airport windows here in Tapei....
wishing you all a good
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